Texas General Contracting
Texas General Contracting
Texas General Contracting
Texas General Contracting
Texas General Contracting
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Carbon Management

Over the past several years, the petroleum business sector has increasingly prioritized both its management and understanding of the impact of its carbon output on the changes in the global climate.  This emphasis on “Carbon Intensity” has begun to significantly influence strategies and resource allocations within all sectors of the fossil fuel industry, including the design and operational requirements of the LTF Project’s facilities.  With the intention to be good stewards of the environment, the processing units were purposefully kept at a minimum complexity level with a small footprint, while the overall site incorporates solar power generation, state-of-the-art environmental technology capable of 99+% vapor recovery and near zero emissions, and a water treatment plant with zero-discharge.  Further, through the placement of naphtha into the marketplace as a petrochemical feedstock, the carbon impact it would have had if burned as a transportation fuel is completely eliminated.